Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sleeves Are Set

Thanks to my fitting friend's help, the sleeves are set in.  There was too much sa (again) to get an accurate fit.  So I trimmed it as much as possible, basted them both in and did a bit of housework to check movement.  Very tight fit, but not impossibly restrictive.   I was going to insert sleeve heads, but there's simply no room at all.

Left one's perfect!  The right one is a bit larger and puffier.  Strange, because these things are supposed to be cut identically. Check them out:

The fabric was very easy to manipulate when easing the sleeve cap.  No heat and steaming over a ham needed.  It just squashed into position.  I'm continually discovering the beauty of loose weave boucle.  It's forgiving and compliant in many ways.  HOWEVER fell stitching the sleeve lining into place was a headache.  How do people do this!  You have to match convex and concave curves whilst on the bias all on a slippery fabric.  I have butchered the job and am too embarrassed to post a pic of it.  OMG never again.  Suddenly, binding the armhole seams far more desirable even though it doesn't look anywhere near as nice.   Never mind, because it does not detract from the outside.   Next job is finishing the neck, cf and hem.

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