Saturday 13 August 2011

Muslin Fit and Stitching Lining Seams

The muslin needed a little adjustment, but not as much to need a 2"seam allowance.  In fact, not even a 1"sa.  It needed taking only 8mm at the hips and 1cm at the waist, so there was a lot of trimming to do.  Having such massive seam allowances was a hindrance because it was difficult to fine tune the garment with so much bulk.  Their added weight also dragged the seams into vertical flat lines, belling their true curves.

Anyway, onto fell stitch the silk lining.  I started off with poly thread.  Big mistake.  It was like passing passing a ship's rope through a butterfly's wings.   See the horrible lumpy raised result?  My clumsy hand sewing doesn't need more handicap.  I realised it needed a pure silk thread.  Another trip to the fabric store.  I may as well just set up home there.

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