Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Silk Lining

To keep tradition, it will have a pure silk lining which I've never sewn before.  OMG it's slippery to the point where I had to sticky tape it to the timber loungeroom floor so it wouldn't move.  Very good idea also because the boards are perfectly lined and paralell to help with keeping the selvedge & grain straight. 

So we're supposed to thread trace the seamlines, huh?  Well after 10 minutes of that, realised it wasn't going to happen at all.  It was back breaking, shifting everywhere despite being pinned, making it inaccurate.  So I'm throwing this tradition away and got out a crude marking pencil.  It's a chinograph, and has a waxy chalky texture and will probably be horrible to remove later.  But look at this comparison between the thread and penncil marking with regards to accuracy:

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