Sunday 10 July 2011

Getting Started

After reading Thread’s issue 121 I’ve been dreaming of sewing a Chanel style jacket but been too scared to because my sewing skills are pretty poor.  I just go by instinct and guess work.  A sewing friend said she thinks I’m jumping in the deep end  – however she also said, “but with those extra wide seam allowances, you really can’t go wrong”.  Well we’ll see about that.  Here’s the pattern and muslin that sewed up quite ok, even though it’s designed for polar fleece:

I converted the sleeve to 2 peice and brought the neckline up to a high round.  It has an armhole princess which is probably not the best for an beginner.  I should have chosen a shoulder princess, but didn't want to buy another pattern.  As you can see, it will need minor adjustments.

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